I know a few teachers who explore with obstacle courses. I found recently that every couple of weeks doing a Yoga Obstacle Course is a good way to see a child's progression, give them their own space and time in addition to creating an opportunity for social interaction. Here I'll share an image for one of my more recent obstacle courses (created for Preschool aged children) and give ideas for progression or even for smaller children. Obstacle courses work for children as young as two.
- Mat 1 with the blocks: We walked over bridges. You can make it more difficult by separating them more and have them do different balancing postures on each one (such as tree, airplane, dancer etc.).
- Mat 2: Froggy jumps. For older children they can do strengthening exercises such as Dolphin into plank and back.
- Strap: Walking on tip-toes, backwards walking, walking warrior 3 in the center, walking leg lifts, you can even use a bean bag on the head to make it even more difficult.
- Mat with a bean bag: Crab walks with the bean bag on the belly. You can make it more difficult by having them hold it between their knees and walking up and down the mat. For younger children they can do Bear walks if Crab walks are too difficult.
- Mat with fuzzy balls (different sizes and colors): Using your toes place the balls in a straight line. There are so many creative ways to enhance this you can have them color coordinate them if you cut out different shapes from construction paper placing it down the mat, they can outline the shape, fill the shape etc.
I have found that children teach us more than what we teach them. In observing them during the obstacle courses I constantly get more creative ideas, they challenge themselves and in turn challenge us in thinking outside the box.
Hope this is all helpful and feel free to contact me with any questions!