Thursday, August 23, 2012

Can yoga be harmful to your body?

Can yoga be harmful to your body? 

I observe individuals all the time in yoga class as they literally hop into a pose with no awareness of how their body is feeling.  On top of that they’re holding their breath. Yoga, like other sports and wellness exercises, can be harmful to your body if not done properly.   However, there is a lack of proper guidance in the western yoga world today.  Individuals are getting certified left and right with no prior knowledge or experience in yoga or teaching.  In addition, people often get certified and as time passes, do not not stay up to date through self practice or professional development.

My advice is that if you’re encountering yoga as a form of recovery or for simple exercise make sure to do your research.  Look up teachers, their background, experience and make sure to maintain awareness during class.  It is easy to forget that yoga isn’t a sport.  It is not a competition but, a journey into being more self aware.

Someone I truly admire shared the following two articles to me. The articles inspired me to write this brief blog and share them with others who are on a journey with yoga.

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